Tuesday, August 30, 2005


time lapse

One month later.....

Hey everyone. Things are well here in Loveland. Jannelle and I have been busy unpacking and arranging. The apt is nearing completion. It is so unlike me to have taken a whole month to unpack, I guess I've been in a bit of a funk (no offense adele). I have had very little motivation, and I'm not sure why. I think I felt overwhelmed. Either way, things HAVE calmed down, and the dust is settling.

I still haven't finished the 6th Harry Potter book, but I am slowly closing in on the last 25% of the book.

Labor day is coming up, and I look forward to a long weekend!

Jannelle and I get our new furniture on thursday, and we're both pretty excited.

The weather here in Cincy is pretty crappy. we've got Katrina for the next 36 hours. It hasn't passed dusk here all day, it's so dark and rainy.

Work is going well. I am being challenged more by our product. I'm also turning up to be a better poker player than I thought.

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