Tuesday, September 21, 2004



The food show is over... and thank goodness. It makes my life a little easier not having all that stress around here. Things went alright on Monday. The only thing to mention was Chef Rocco Dispirito, from the reality TV show The Restaurant. He came to the show, at great expense, and did a cooking display. He walked around and did signings and pictures with the Customers. They ate that guy up man. I had never even heard of the show until someone explained to me who this guy was. Also, on Sunday night, we had our company party. Aside from some of the "work" stuff I had to do at the party, It was a lot of fun. I had a few drinks (on Mike and Tony Sofo, Thanks!), and watched some boxing. I had never seen boxing live, and I have to say, despite being skeptical, I actually enjoyed it. I guess seeing that the 2 guys treated it as a sport, and were friendly, took the animalistic, cave-man side of the sport away. It was cool..

Today I went to the Game Room for lunch, and ran into Ken Boone. This really cool guy that's in the master's program at UT. He was there just chilling, and we talked for some time. Ill be headed there on Thursday for a long(er) lunch to play a 500pt. game of 40k. I can't wait.

I talked with Daryl for awhile today too. I'll be meeting him, and Mishell Touve at Peabody's in Cleveland on Thursday night for an Avail show. I had thought that I wouldn't be going, but daryl convinced me to that I should. Even though I am strapped for cash at the moment, the show is only 13 bucks..... and that's with ticketmaster fees. So I'll be going to that..

Guess I'll call Krogers in BG and see if they have a ticketmaster.

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