Friday, December 24, 2004


Merry Christmas!

So, the feelings right now are anxiety and frustration. My boss forgot to put through the annual bonus I earn working my ass off getting the A&M WAN project completed. I was counting on this money for the holidays. I haven't done anything but mentaly spend the money, but I've also made plans to travel to Cincinatti for new years. Things are just going to be really tight for 2 more weeks. UGGGG.... I'm soooo frustrated!

I'm looking forward to a nice time with my family, and Jannelle's. I don't really have anything for her brother or father though.. I am headed to the Retail store to get a Christmas Basket for the grandparents. I also need to stop and get some wrapping paper....

I'll write more later, when I'm not so mad.

Argh. That really stinks, Casey.

It is hard to believe that they don't treat you better when they HAVE to know how hard you work on those "extra" projects. Heck, I even feel guilty about how hard you work sometimes, and I don't even employ you.
So what's the compensation? Will you be getting the bonus on your next or after-next paycheck? - Sal
compensation? you mean, when are they going to get it to me? I am now supposed to have it on January 7 with my next paycheck. BUT, Mike Sofo, who has to sign everything, is usually vacationing this week in Aspen or Florida... we'll see...
Dang, KC. You should really look to get a job where they treat their employees with some respect. I hear they have those sorts of jobs down in Cincinnati.

Hey, maybe you could update this blog while you are at it...
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