Friday, September 16, 2005



Well, I've finished my SalesLogix Engineer's Cert Exam, and I am just waiting for my system/test to be graded. I think I have done well. If I have messed anything up, then I can spend whatever time I need, until 4:00pm, to finish. Once I am finished here, I'm not sure what I'll do. My flight doesn't leave until 11pm tonight. I though about heading south to Saguero National Park and checking out some cacti. I may also call up to US Airways and see if they have an earlier flight they can stick me on. I just hope someone is there to answer the phone when I call. I guess they've filed for Bankruptcy. If I can't get on an earlier flight, then I'll be home at 11:20 am tomorrow. I'll post an update on how I did, when I get back to my own PC.

Dude...Saguaro NP is awesome!!!! And Tucson in general is an awesome town. I'd move there in a heartbeat if I thought I could deal with the summer temps.
Ditto...I went to SNP several time in my early western travels...and there are Galloways in Tucson
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