Wednesday, September 14, 2005


Google at it again!

Looky Looky.

Google is at it again. A blog search tool. Ever want to find a blog on certain topics? well there you go!.

back to class!

Have you ever tried this?

Go to Google (the main page), type "miserable failure" in the search box, and click "I'm Feeling Lucky".

I guess it has been this way for 2 years, but recent events have popularized it.

And Casey, if you say "Welcome to last year"...
Wow, Sal, even *I* knew about that one. :P
Sal just got burned by Carla...

lol Sal..

Yeah, I've seen that before. It was about 2 years ago that it was posted at the Cats... LOL! Welcome to last......
I didn't know that Sal :) Google really is awesome!!!
I didn't know that either Sal. But I'm not as up with computers as most people in in this circle of friends so that's my excuse. But don't let them rag on you too just gave Elizabeth & I something fun that we didn't know before!
I don't feel burned at all. Now I know who wastes more time on the internet than me :p
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